Edinburgh Million Tree City
ClientEdinburgh Council
Services Visual Identity / Marketing Materials / Illustration /

Edinburgh is set to be home to one million trees by the end of the decade, joining counterparts all over the globe in becoming a Million Tree City. This inspiring project, launched by Edinburgh Council, has set a target for the Capital to plant an estimated 250,000 more trees on both public and private land as part of a commitment to become a net zero city by 2030!
Hillside was commissioned to create a visual identity for the attention of potential investors and supporters, as well as the general public, capturing the optimism, ambition and sensibilities of the project. We opted for an illustrative route, depicting a mix of urban landscapes, where people thrive and connect in all the wonderful green spaces that currently exists around Edinburgh.
It’s impossible to overstate the benefits trees bring to the urban landscape. In addition to reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to lessen the impact of climate change, they reduce the risk of flooding, keep us cool in the summer and warmer in winter and give the wildlife in our city a home, as well as helping neighbourhoods blossom. It was a privilege to be part of bringing this project to life, and we wish everyone involved good luck in reaching the target!